Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bounty Run Act III - Levels 58 to 60

Note: A Purest Challenge is not to twink any character, use paragon points, or use any outside help and progress in Hardcore.  Inspired by a post on d2jsp by Bubonic.  I chose to start at Expert difficulty and do Bounties (RNG selected) and Rift runs. 

Nothing too exciting to report on this Bounty run, just a couple of minor upgrades and some more crafting shenanigans.

The Bounty run starts off with a ring upgrade.  I need the boost to CHD and this ring provides it.

Fighting Andy for the Bounty.  A Legendary beam pierces his dying carcass.  Thanks, Andy!

Zooming in for a closer look.

Yes, indeed, Andy, thank you very much.  A huge boost to DPS.

I transmute the Vitality into something better; the best I can do is 4% damage. Sigh.

My new Legendary sword gives me an Angel-buddy.  Here he is following along.  He isn't much in a fight and serves as fodder and dies quickly.

A streak begins with several rare plans dropping.

Like this...

...and this.

Double beam!!  Gottaluv that green beam!!!  Who cares if it's a plan.

Sorry, Butcher.  Your toy isn't good enough today.

Another beam!  Nice image of an elite exploding and dropping a legendary mace for the trouble.

Angel-buddy is dutiful and points out the legendary beam on the off-chance that I missed it.

Well, at least I get another transmog.

Fire of Heaven is wonderful for tacking out closely packed mobs in confined spaces.

The Level 60 milestone.  Prior to ROS, this was a major deal.  Now with the level-cap being 70 and the various ways to power-level a character to 70 and shared Paragon points, it's just another number on the way to Torment.

Well, my Skycutter is retired on the same Bounty Run.  You hit Level 60 and Level 60 rares can outshine legendary items <60.  My DPS is increased by nearly 2.5x in this session alone.

End of session stats.

End Gold: 1,415,825
DPS: 43,818
Toughness: 564,460

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bounty Run Act III - Levels 56 to 58

Note: A Purest Challenge is not to twink any character, use paragon points, or use any outside help and progress in Hardcore.  Inspired by a post on d2jsp by Bubonic.  I chose to start at Expert difficulty and do Bounties (RNG selected) and Rift runs. 

Nothing too exciting to report on this Bounty run, just a couple of minor upgrades and some more crafting shenanigans.

Here's a good ring upgrade.  It's been awhile.  Most of the rings I've been finding were given to Mr. Templar.

I went for the defense in All Resists.  The sheet DPS went up slightly, but the losing the Sweep damage didn't make me particularly happy.  Again, though, the elites are coming with more affixes and elemental damage it becoming worrisome.

I wanted to craft these gloves.  The Magefists are growing long in the tooth and I want to start gathering Critical Hit Damage.  Replacing the armor is the obvious choice.

I get the STR main stat on the 2nd try.  Huzzah!

End of sessions stats.

End Gold: 1,242,631
DPS: 19,739
Toughness: 418,105